Thursday, June 30, 2022

I don't want to pay for what abortions truly cost us.

 Of course..... .violence and hurting people is the way to respond and protest the violence and hurting other people. Isn't this the cycle now in our country? The way to stop hurting people is to just hurt more people .... Right?

I have made my choices in life concerning creating life and I am at peace that I made sure that the girl I was with got pregnant when I wanted her to. Well, we discussed it together and decided together and took steps to ensure it happened when we wanted it to happen. Personally, though, I don't care about what others do. It's their body and their conscience.

What I will say though is this- - America can't afford to ban abortions. Why is no one talking about how every American will pay for forcing women to have babies they don't want? Because it will cost us a lot in the long run.

You know, because I personally don't want to pay for it.

I don't want people that are protesting getting hurt or killed (and it's only a matter of time based on our current culture of hurting people because other people are getting hurt) which could affect prices and insurance premiums. Maybe I am being too judgmental, but it would seem that those who get hurt will not have the insurance to get treatment and the cost is just handed down to others.

I don't want to pay for the hospitals to cover the uninsured or give government medical assistance for those who get shotty or poor or dangerous illegal abortions that put those women's lives in danger.

I don't want to pay for the increase in single-parent homes because poverty will become more widespread and that will affect how much I pay for them to have government assistance.

I don't want to pay for the prisons and criminals that will increase in numbers because single-parent homes ( mother homes mostly, especially impoverished homes, and boys mostly) produce more criminal tendencies. That also affects violence and murder and homicide to our society which will trickle into how much I will pay to deal with them.

I don't want to pay for the medical expenses of those women that have pregnancies that are 100% fatal if the pregnancy goes to full term. There will be unpaid medical expenses and lawsuits that will trickle down to the taxpayers.

I don't want to pay for the mental health problems of these people. There will be an increase of mental health issues not only in the parents that don't want these children but the children that know that they are unwanted, or for women who have mental health problems because they are not ready for the stress of having kids. And remember, a lot of them will be impoverished so they will need government assistance which trickles down to my taxes and increased insurance premiums. I don't want to pay for that.

I don't want to pay for the increase in population. Banning abortions will flood our country with 500,000 to almost 1 million new kids a year to our population. (No that is not a typo) And kids are a financial burden that is pretty substantial. I am positive we will pay more in a very few short years with them putting strain on our economy in all areas and I don't want to pay for that.

I just don't want to pay for all that stuff. And that is partially why I support abortion (because I have completely ignored all my feelings, religion, and human rights views in this post).

If it was a perfect world though, I would attack this problem BEFORE it becomes a problem. Movements need to be made to instill a sense of responsibility about the choice to have sex and to understand how to prevent pregnancies. It has to be a mindset shift. It has to be a societal movement. We have to teach women to value themselves and to value their bodies. They need to understand that sex will not manipulate a man to be with them or do what they want and this is especially true after they are pregnant. We need to shift the man's mindset from dominance over a woman and manipulating a girl's feelings to just have one more conquest. We have to teach them that they have to be responsible for their choices and to respect a girls choices about their bodies.

Then we need to stop talking out both ends. If we want unwanted pregnancies to stop then we need to give and supply contraceptives for people. We need to create and then expand and then support safe sex and contraception practices which will be much cheaper than the above mentioned costs to our society. Then the only need for abortions will be boiled down to saving the life of the mother, alleviate the stress and mental health of a crime like rape, and for the extremely small chance of contraceptive failures (when they are used correctly). And how many is that...... Like less than 5% of current abortion cases? Remember, there is upwards to almost a million abortions a year....... In a perfect world, the problem with abortion should be taken care of before it is a problem. But no one is talking about that..... Its much easier ,I guess, to just rip the baby out after poor choices than to make a country wide social shift in our mindset. But hey, that is our mindset now as a society, huh?

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