If you had the chance, what would you have said to your self in middle school? Well, I would have told myself that school is hard and that kids are mean, cruel, and viscous when it comes to protecting their identity whether it is a real identity or only perceived. I would tell me that finding and holding onto a small circle of trusted fiends was the way to go. Find them and make sure they are of like minds and values. They would not pressure me into doing anything I didn't want to.
I would tell myself that all those lessons I am learning from the Dark Elf Series written by R.A. Salvatore are going to shape the way I feel about myself and about how different I am. How unique. How talented. Pay attention to how everything is not all it seems and to be observant. Hold fast to owning my talent and work to be better at what I can do. I would tell myself that finding myself and knowing what I want out of life is paramount and to hold tight to it. I would tell myself that being amongst friends and not caving to peer pressure with things like alcohol and relationships and drugs will pay off in the future with the satisfaction of having no regrets.
Speaking of regrets. . . . I would tell myself that my determination of being ok with all my choices, some may be poor and some really wise, will keep regret at a minimum. I would say that we all kinda stumble through life with lots of setbacks and road blocks but regretting things that we can't control will not do our heart any good.
I would tell myself that building my self esteem and that my need to do just about anything I can for myself was probably the best decision I could have made. Probably the most important part of this is the pursuit of love and marriage. I would tell myself that I know the pain and frustration will be unbearable at times. I will tell myself that holding out for the real deal will be rough but worth it. I would say that knowing what I want and making sure I find it will mean the difference between happiness and heart break. I would say that it is not guaranteed and that there is always that chance that it wont work out. I would say that a broken heart is always on the table. But taking time and not rushing into it head first without waiting for the infatuation to die into embers will be the key. I would say to myself that we did it and it is as amazing as I was hoping it would be.
Lastly, I would tell myself that listening is how life will open up to me. I would say that asking questions when I don't know even if it makes me look incompetent. I would say that reveling in the small things will open me to being happy all the time and to help me enjoy my life. Live life learning, having fun, and being happy with no shame.
I will tell myself that you will live in hell at times in the next few years ,especially at school. But you just wait, the best is to come. I know. I have lived it already and am living it right now!