My wife asks me a lot about why I stay with her. I have always given her a boost of confidence and reassured her of how lucky I am to be with her. It is hard though. She struggles with mild depression and body pain that could be rheumatoid(. . . Maybe? ) and other mild but chronic ailments. She looks at what it takes for others to leave their wives and cant believe I am still with her. Is it only me? It seems people will give up on their marriage for the littlest or pettiest things I have to say though, after visiting with my family, she sees that I am not kidding about being lucky.
My family puts things in perspective. Now I am not going to hang my siblings out to dry and criticize them for their marriages, but it sure does show my wife how much different their lives and expectations are compared to us. She talks and sees a lot of things that they do in their relationships that we honestly have no idea why they put up with it. But, that is theirs and ours is ours.
In the end, I cannot stress enough how important it is to know yourself deeply. In order to have a successful marriage or any type of relationship, you have to know yourself first. Be deliberate with who you are seeking. Let your mind in on choosing as well as your heart.
I see my brother and sisters with how they have landed in their marriages. It seems to work fine with them but it is not for me. I have picked my wife and I am soooooooo happy with her. She frets a lot about me and how I can "put up" with some of the setbacks and uncontrollable stuff we have been going through. All I have to do and visit or even bring up my brother and sisters and all that comes into perspective. Then she understands . . . at least for a little while. . . .why I am so happy with her.